The Cordial Spooper's Guide to Life

Lol Eventual Pages

In all honesty I don't know what to do with this site here, except use it as a confession bored of sorts. Maybe one day I'll become more creative. I somehow doubt anyone who knows me will find this site, and I'm even less concerned about strangers finding this little blog. I'm writing this in the hour before work. I am at a great impasse in my life and yet all I can get myself to do is barely maintain normal functioning. You see, I'm about to graduate college soon. Then I fear the bottom is going to drop out from under me and I'll either swim or drown. I afraid its going to be the latter.

As I'm sure you can tell, I'm very new at using code, so please bare with me as I learn more through this website!

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

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