Personal Blog

Friday, November 18, 2022
Hello, this is my personal blog where I'll put whatever I'm up to and my weird ramblings. I don't really expect anyone to ever see this, but I figured this would be a fun way to journal and keep my day-to-day accounts of everything that's going on

Saturday, November 19, 2022
We've been ruminating on the nature of good and evil today. Perhaps good and evil are purely found in humanity. Goodness is within the human spirit. Evil is uniquly human as well. People who have sentience cannot be innocent by definition, but they can be good, they can be bad. Animals are innocent, but they do not care for others who are their equal. Some species can grieve, but grief in itself only shows empathy-not what we would consider as good.

I'm not sure, to be honest, I don't know what to do ever. I feel so disconnected from reality and any concept of personhood that I feel to be floating untethered in the abyss, hoping to hell and back that I lose all sense of conciousness entirely. That or maybe I am simply not myself tonight. Wouldn't be the first time.

Sometimes I really don't know what I'm doing. No one will help me anyway.